Sunday, July 21, 2013

Back in the Dating World. Yay?

My first date as a newly separated woman definitely had me considering a life of celibacy.  I met this guy, we'll call him "Dutch," my first weekend here in my new town.  He invited me out to a late lunch/early dinner a few days later, so I got all dolled up and met him downtown.  He picked an expensive-ish restaurant that overlooked the bay.

The date was okay, nothing to write home about; but he was nice company.  Until he had his fourth drink.  He started to get obnoxious, and hands-y.  I was ready for the check, so I signaled the waitress.  She came over, I asked for the check while he asked for another drink.  She came back with the check, and I pulled out my wallet.  Unfortunately, she walked away before I could get a pen to mark up the check.  Dutch's drink arrived, and I tried to get the server's attention.

She finally came back over and as I was asking for the pen, Dutch grabbed my card and added his.  He handed them to her, saying "We're splitting the check."

I sat there, mouth agape.

She asked how we were splitting it, and he said "Down the middle is fine.  Oh, can I have a beer?"

"Which card am I putting it on?" she asked.

"Just split it after." he said.

I was speechless.  You're kidding me, right?  I looked at his steak and lobster dinner, the shrimp cocktail he had as an appetizer, and mentally calculated the five drinks he'd already consumed.  Plus the beer.

I've never been the type to make a scene publicly, and I knew he was drunk enough to cause one so I let it slide.  Inside, I was fuming.

The server came back with my credit card slip.  My "half" was $70.  Seventy dollars?  I looked at my iced tea and shrimp salad thought of the menu prices.  Yeah, it should have been no more than $25-$30.

I quickly signed the check and started to walk away.  He chugged his beer and quickly followed me out.  I hurried to my car, thanked him for the pleasure of his company that evening, and rejected his advances for anything further.

As I drove home, I thought "If this is dating in California, I'm going to be single for a long time."

Oh, and he texted continuously for the next few weeks.  After calling me some choice names, I told him I didn't have enough money to continue to see him.

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