Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Seek Life Elsewhere

I've been accused of being unapproachable.  Of being cold and aloof.  I think that's funny because I'm a very open, warm, and friendly person.  Friends and coworkers would all agree.  But my friends also all agree that if you're interested in dating me, you have a bunch of walls to break through.

Meet "Idaho."  He and I met through mutual friends.  When we met, he said he was looking for a serious relationship with someone he could have a future with.  I told him that given my current marriage-ending status, I wasn't ready to jump into anything quickly; but we could build a friendship, work towards dating, and see where things went later on down the road.  He said that was something he was wanting to try.

So we've been texting and talking for about a month.  I invited him out to dinner with me and some friends one night, and the following week I invited him to join us for a little get together at the house.  He spent both nights flirting with me, wooing my friends, and generally being a charming, sarcastic smartass.  When he left the house party, he kissed me.  It was nice, and I thought he might be someone I could date.

Fast forward to two days later.  A few weeks earlier when my phone was broken, he'd messaged with me on Facebook.  Well, I was bored and looked at his page.  This is when I noticed that he'd been tagged in a post with a girl.  No big deal, right?  Except her profile picture is of her and him.  Very close.  That really left no doubt in my mind.

So I sent him a text, "You have a girlfriend, don't you."

He responded with, "Are you always this insecure because it's kind of a turn off..."

I didn't know what to say.  I thought it seemed like a perfectly valid question when seeing a picture like that.

Hell, maybe I am insecure.  Maybe years of dealing with a man who cheated and lied knocked my self confidence down a few notches.

He can say he wants a relationship and someone to be serious with, I can say he needs to seek life elsewhere.

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